GAGC Originals, Herstory, PoliticsMeg WachterPalestine, Nabi Saleh, Janna Ayyad, Manal Tamimi, Israel, Occupation, Ahed Tamimi, Free Palestine, recent featured, featured
Dynamic Girl Mentorships
Got a Girl Crush x Dynamic Girls: Karina Rodriguez
Got a Girl Crush x Dynamic Girls: Vivian Nweze
Issue 09 of Got a Girl Crush x Dynamic Girls!
Radio Interview on KPFK: Queer Africa / Youth Climate Strike / Girl Crush
Support Small Booksellers: Quimby's Bookstore // Brooklyn, New York
Meet: Womanly Magazine
Crushing On: Dynamic Girls
Interview: Dr. Rebecca Gomperts & Abortion as Healthcare
Interview with reproductive justice activist, Renee Bracey Sherman
GAGC OriginalsMeg Wachterabortion stories, renee braey sherman, healthcare, pro-choice, my body my choice, abortion, health, abortion funds, shout your abortion, keep abortion safe and legal, recent featured, featured
DIRT PALACE: An Interview with Xander Marro & Pippi Zornoza
Satanic Feminism & Body Autonomy: an Interview with Jex Blackmore
GAGC OriginalsMeg WachterJex Blackmore, satanism, satanic feminsim, witches, reproductive rights, satanic, satanic temple, detroit, tyranny, recent featured, featured
Pre-order Capitalist Patriarchy shirts
5 Women Intersecting Cannabis into their Business Practices
GAGC OriginalsMeg Wachtercannabis, weed, marijuana, supernova women, mirage miracles, shaw, laundry day, broccoli mag, maya shaw, Victoria Ashley, Solonje Burnett-Loucas, Humble Bloom, Anja Charbonneau, Nina Parks
Forever crushin’ on LIZZO
Ayelet Waldman is Having a Really Good Day