Posts tagged recent featured
GAGC Originals, Herstory, PoliticsMeg WachterPalestine, Nabi Saleh, Janna Ayyad, Manal Tamimi, Israel, Occupation, Ahed Tamimi, Free Palestine, recent featured, featured
Interview with reproductive justice activist, Renee Bracey Sherman
GAGC OriginalsMeg Wachterabortion stories, renee braey sherman, healthcare, pro-choice, my body my choice, abortion, health, abortion funds, shout your abortion, keep abortion safe and legal, recent featured, featured
Satanic Feminism & Body Autonomy: an Interview with Jex Blackmore
GAGC OriginalsMeg WachterJex Blackmore, satanism, satanic feminsim, witches, reproductive rights, satanic, satanic temple, detroit, tyranny, recent featured, featured
Forever crushin’ on LIZZO
Sorry, I'm a Mammal: Interview with Tish and Snooky, Founders of Manic Panic (pt. 2)
Throwback: K(no)w Vacancy: From NY to PA, Urban Land Maps Support Reclaiming Abandoned Lots
Throwback: Meredith Graves
Satanic Feminism & Body Autonomy: an Interview with Jex Blackmore
GAGC OriginalsMeg WachterJex Blackmore, satanism, satanic feminsim, witches, reproductive rights, satanic, satanic temple, detroit, tyranny, recent featured, featured
Throwback: Janae Bonsu
Interview with Ayesha Siddiqui, Pakistani-American Playwright and Actor
GAGC OriginalsMeg WachterAyesha Siddiqui, baba jee, fringe festival, play, playwright, los angeles, new york, hurricane sandy, pakistan, american, family, women actors, recent featured
Throwback: Art Activist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh
Feminism, Graffiti, Gender Fluidity: An Interview With Jessica Pabón-Colón, author of Graffiti Grrlz
GAGC OriginalsMeg Wachterjessica pabón-colón, graffiti, gender, feminism, sexuality, lgbt, latinx, hip hop, michele zipp, recent featured, featured
Interview with reproductive justice activist, Renee Bracey Sherman
GAGC OriginalsMeg Wachterabortion stories, renee braey sherman, healthcare, pro-choice, my body my choice, abortion, health, abortion funds, shout your abortion, keep abortion safe and legal, recent featured, featured
Happy Birthday, LIZZO!
Interview with comedian River Butcher
Overlooked: Posthumous Dues Paid
Interview with SafeWordSociety Founder Kristen McCallum
"A Caged Bird Sings": a short documentary by Amanda Leigh Smith
GAGC Originals, Herstory, PoliticsMeg WachterPalestine, International Women's Day, Nabi Saleh, Janna Ayyad, Manal Tamimi, Israel, Occupation, Ahed Tamimi, Free Palestine, recent featured, featured
#ThrowbackThursday: Jenny Slate