
Got a Girl Crush On: Roller Derby regent, Danielle Flowers (aka OMG WTF)

A life-long athlete with a love for the DIY and punk ethos, Flowers found a mix of all these things she loves within Derby. As a coach, an organizer, and a skater, she is a driving force, shaping what the sport is and what it will become.

Read more about Danielle in our next issue….But we Need Your Help! Since the beginning, we wanted Got a Girl Crush Magazine to be an advertising-free publication, which is why we’ve created a Kickstarter to help bring it to print

What’s in Issue #3? We’re working on this issue as we speak and hope to launch it in April 2014. We’ve got some great interviews, essays & articles lined up. 

Here’s who you’ll find in Issue #3:

Spread the word and chip in what you can — every bit helps and we’ve got some awesome rewards too! The campaign runs through March 21st, and as with all Kickstarter campaigns—it’s all or nothing, baby! There are a ton of cool rewards at every level and you can essentially pre-order Issue #3 (with some bonus goodies!) starting at $25! We hope you’re as excited as we are to bring the magazine to print and thank you for all your support! Every little bit helps and we thank everyone who’s already helped bring us closer to our goal!

(photos by Jen Dessinger)