Got a girl crush on: Parachutes for Ladies
Parachute for Ladies are a duo of gals from Sydney, Australia. Wait, correction–the “Ladies” are a duo of gals from Sydney, Australia and the “Parachute” are the people who par…

Got a girl crush on: Parachutes for Ladies

Parachute for Ladies are a duo of gals from Sydney, Australia. Wait, correction–the “Ladies” are a duo of gals from Sydney, Australia and the “Parachute” are the people who participate in their performance pieces that hold everything up. Lovely way to put it, no? The “ladies” Jess Olivieri and Hayley Forward make work that “sits at the juncture of visual art, dance, sound and performance”.

Confused? Let their piece Dance of Death explain it better. Dance of Death invites the audience to listen to an audio guided exercise that leads them to act out a peculiarly choreographed formation dance. It explores the “dehumanising effects of crowds and the way this changes individual behavior”.

(via Frankie Magazine)

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