Got a Girl Crush On: Maya Rudolph on her mother, Minnie Riperton

“I always make this case because I feel like my mom was part of a generation of people who [had] incredible gifts. There was no sweetening of vocals. There was no Pro Tools then. So I…

Got a Girl Crush On: Maya Rudolph on her mother, Minnie Riperton

I always make this case because I feel like my mom was part of a generation of people who [had] incredible gifts. There was no sweetening of vocals. There was no Pro Tools then. So I feel like people like her really shone because they were just so incredibly gifted and one of a kind. She was very revered for that reason and very well-respected. My mom was a special, cool lady.” — Maya Rudolph

And, with that, we say Happy Mother’s Day to all the rad mom’s this Sunday!

(via nprfreshair)