Got A Girl Crush On: Lena Dunham in “Tiny Furniture”

So here’s a kick-in-the-pants for ya: Lena (who’s 23 years old) wrote, directed, and starred in this. And the mom and sister in the film are her real mom and sister. And that’s their real apartment in TriBeCa. 

But, this hardly comes across as someone’s final senior film. It’s execution is spot-on in its dealings with post-graduate malaise (like working as a hostess at a restaurant with a liberal arts degree, having sex with boys you know you shouldn’t, and just generally figuring your shit out) but doesn’t take itself seriously at all. And I can especially appreciate Lena’s character, Aura, prancing around most of the film in her undies just because that’s the most comfortable okay? and who’s clearly comfortable with her body.My kind of gal!

Go see it if you can! (NYC it’s still playing at BAM)

{{Here’s a far-better synopsis from NY Times}}