
Every month our resident bruja, Sonia, selects a tarot deck out of her collection and picks 12 cards fthat correlate to each sign of the zodiac. July’s #crushascope was conjured up using The Morgan-Greer Tarot.

This month is all about powering through and seeing the benefits of your labor. You are ready to give your all to a project, person, or job. Your dedication will pay off. Last month you were aloof about your feelings and even needed a break from it all. This time around, I see your sign ready to move forward towards something worth investing. Don’t stop now, this is only the beginning. Expect more exciting projects with fun people.

You are feeling grateful for what you have and want to spread the love this month. Volunteering your time will help you out karmically. Last month led to some good news so now is a time to give back to a friend with care and advice. Although the assistance may be much needed remember to approach your friend in need assurance that you truly want to help. Over excitement will get all those spirits running a muck if you aren’t careful with your words. You mean and will give back but remember to choose your words wisely.

A new and powerful collaboration with partners, friends, or even your better half is in the works for you this month. Make the most of your creativity by teaming up with other bad asses to set a goal. Think of yourself as Dany from Game of Thrones heading for King’s Landing with the help of Yara, Lady Olenna, The Sandsnakes, etc…. The energy is great for you to be extremely productive and see things through so find like minded folks who share your passion and get to work!

June was beginning of good things for you Libra. You cleaned house, addressed some issues, but you also got it together too. You will be enjoying the prosperity and the bounty of what it is to be in great company. Those of you who are looking into getting a promotion or seeking an upgrade will get that too. Just make sure you weigh out your options and take it slow. The rest of this year is looking great for you Libra. Enjoy what you have and work your way up slowly and surely.

So much is going on this month. You don’t know where to start. The thing is all the stuff going on is in your mind. Take time for some “me” time on your calendar before you fill it to the brim and then some. You have a million ideas and you want to work on many things at once but please please pace yourself. Perhaps taking a meditation course or getting into a practice that helps clear the mind and create focus will help you connect. I also want you to focus on your solar plexus chakra (the stomach). Please let that be an indicator of how you are feeling around your environment and around people. I recommend picking up a piece of citrine (yellow because that is the color of the solar plexus chakra) and keeping it around for extra psychic defense. You have a lot of dialogue  happening right now but make sure you seperate what is yours as opposed to what is being projected on you.

This month you are going to take a lot of crappy situations and turn them into amazing situations. I have one of my closest and dearest friends who is Sagittarius and she is known as “The Keeper of the Vibe”. I want you to make that your mantra Sag. You are the best at being calm and collected in the face of adversity and meaning it. If you find yourself getting impatient in any way or feel that people are pushing their agendas way too hard, exhale a lot and remove yourself from the situation. You are a shining example of keeping your head above water. Other will notice and follow suit.

Romance is on your mind this month. If you are paired off you will want to take your special someone on a special date. If you are single, it will be a great month to make that deceleration of love, make things serious, or just start looking for love in all the right places. Your vulnerability is your greatest strength this month. You may have more emotion to the point where you are wondering who you are and how did you become so corny. Just embrace it. You have this window now to really optimize your relationships and grow as a person, friend and lover.

You may feel that people are questioning your decisions or that you may be attacked. The truth is you know what you want Aquarius. You are the sign that sees into the future. You do not let get in the way of your present. Just know that you may find yourself in a situation where you have to defend yourself but also weigh your options and ask yourself this, “Do I need to surround myself with people who are making me feel like I’m on trial?” You may find yourself going against the grain and it will make your peers question you hard. You have  strong convictions and if you feel that those convictions are worth it just stay strong and power through. Complainers and haters will lay off once they see you in it for the long haul.

Fighting for causes or defending the underdog will present itself to you this month Pisces. You are such a sensitive sign and retract yourself away from drama because you know better. Or perhaps you just need to get stuff done. However, this month you may not be able to observe on the sidelines and may want to fight for the rights of others. Whether it is you voicing your opinion for a political cause or even helping out a family member or co-worker being picked on in the office, you will have this need to really be there for them. Offer kind words but also include helpful feedback where you can. You have the upper hand because your intuition helps you get an idea of what other people are feeling.

July is going to come full circle for you this month. You are going to re-visit karmic situations from your past but you will proclaim victory and I am sure you will get the right kind of closure needed. You are going to be thinking a lot about your patterns, your life, where it is headed. Study your habits and see where you are repeating yourself Aries. Close the book on bad situations but do not seek them out. Let it come to you so can shut it down. I want you to think about the next level. Where are you going from here? What can you learn, is there a place you would like to visit? Do not get stuck in a rut because you find comfort in it. Close the book so you can write a new one.

You may find that you are working harder than usual this month. Help is on the way but you need to communicate that. You are only human and cannot do it all by yourself Taurus. The good news is you will have a breakthrough on how you get your ideas across and you will receive comfort and help you deserve. Just remember to communicate your needs and not project your frustrations with actions.

Do not shy away from signs, dreams, or anything regarding your intuition. Things will be revealed to you as metaphoric neon sign. What you choose to do with that info is up to you. A lot Geminis, myself included, have been getting a pummeling from Saturn in Sagittarius. You will see that things are gonna soften up for you between now and August. Pay attention to everything and everyone around you. They will teach you invaluable lessons and you will be able to take with you and use when the time comes.
It is a good time for Gemini to do some spell work too in regard to creation and prosperity. Start acting on what you want now. You have your spirit guides on your side to guide you.

This month’s artwork is by artist and fellow Cancer Nicole Salgar. You can follow her instagram here.

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:
Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for
over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer.
She is the mother of the 2 best tuxedo cats on Earth. You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz.