3/6: Rally+Rise Activist Social Club


Join Rally+Rise for their March Activist Social Club meeting! Rally+Rise is a New-York based grassroots activist group dedicated to passing "common sense" laws and rallying citizens for change. Their current focus is on passing New York's Reproductive Health Act. If Roe v. Wade gets overturned, the ability for a woman to access a safe and legal abortion gets sent back to the states. The problem is that the current law legalizing abortion in New York is from 1970—which means that we would return to a restrictive, pre-Roe v. Wade set of rules.

If you've been feeling the same way we've been feeling the past two weeks—that it shouldn't be on Gen Z alone to push for progress in our country—and you're not quite sure what to do but you want to do something that feels right,  join us for Activist Social Club. It's activism without the expectation that you're a pro at all this, or that you have a ton of free time, or that you only like to have fun on the weekends. You'll leave feeling like you accomplished something—and hopefully having met some awesome people who you'd want to hang out with again.

This month's meeting is Tuesday, March 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. at 64 Cooper Square, NYC. RSVP for you and your crew at rallyandrise@gmail.com. BYO drinks and a fully charged phone.